Wednesday, December 24, 2008

the past 19 years in a box .

2008.... lmao . straight jokes.

this year was ridiculous , it was a pure 365 days of NOTHING .
nothing beneficial was gained or done .
just things lost . pain on myself . people inflicting pain on me , which caused pain on others .
the only good thing that really happened this year,
is i got closer to my Mother, and Kyla J. Toney.
and i gained a boyfriend who I can say for once i have Full respect for.
not just as a human, but as a boyfriend.
I guess you can say I'm finally growing up.
I'm over the pointless nights up til 5 am when I had school or work the next day.
I'm over thinking the world revolved around me. I'm over not trying to make a way.
The life we live today, is the begginning of the life we pave for our future generations.
I know everyone else is a little too young to understand me on this, but its time for me to grow.
to spread my wings and fly.
the valleys kept me trapped since 10th grade, and i can finally say im free.
I show up and do things valley involved when i have time.
Right now, lifes about me and making a way for me and my family.
Thank you God for finally givingg me the wisdom to accept things as they are,
and change what I can.
Bad company corrupts good character and alot of the company I had in the valley was corrupting my good character.
but as they always say YOU LIVE AND YOU LEARN.
Goodbye 19 years of my life...
Heres goes the beggining... my life at 20 yrs old is JUST begginning....

Live Life, Regret nothing. Just Realize, and learn!

1 comment:

Jervis said...

amen to that,shit gonna change now,shit gone change